Legionnella Testing

Accurate results from UKAS Accredited Laboratories

What is Legionnaires Disease?

Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal disease caused by inhaling infected droplets of water. Legionella bacteria is found in nature, but particularly likes to propagate in man-made structures like showers and storage tanks.

Legionella is a natural bacteria found in ponds, rivers and lakes and can cause Legionnaires Disease if inhaled. If unchecked, the bacteria can multiply rapidly in man-made water systems, with certain conditions such as stagnation, poor temperatures and nutrient availability can promote this. 

One source suggests that once infected, a susceptible person can become very ill, with a mortality rate of up to 1 in 4.

Am I legally required to test for Legionnella?

From the outset, the legal requirement is to perform a Risk Assessment. If your risk assessment shows that testing and monitoring are required, then we can help you with certified testing. But, if you have no risk assessment or an invalid one, then testing only might be considered an attempt to circumvent the legal requirement.

There is now a belief that testing for Legionnella bacteria alone is enough to meet the HSE's expectations. This is not true and we urge all Owners, Duty Holders', Responsible Persons' and their Deputy's to understand their legal requirements for compliance. Visit our Information page or contact us for more information or to arrange your Legionnaires Risk Assessment.

Microbiological Sampling and Analysis

AquaTest Wales offers a comprehensive range of microbiological testing services including Legionella, Enterococci, E. coli, TVC, Coliforms, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and many others. All tested in our UKAS accredited laboratory to ensure your full compliance with the Law.

If your risk assessment or environmental health officer has identified that your water needs to be tested for legionella or another microbiology, our service will include a site visit to complete the sample collection in specialised bottles. Once collected, we will deliver the samples ourselves to the Laboratory collection point in order to ensure the chain or custody is maintained.

Once received, the Lab will prepare the samples and begin the testing within the allowed time limit. After the required culturing time has elapsed, we will receive the results and communicate with you immediately.

When should I test for Legionella bacteria?

There are a number of instances when you may need to, or must test for legionella:

-Where your Legionella Risk Assessment identified possible risks.
-Where the current Legionella Monitoring Program has failed and there may now be bacteria present.
-If your water system has experienced any non-conformances, such as long periods of stagnation.
-Where your system is such that routine Legionella testing is required in order to demonstrate compliance.

-Where a positive result was reported. You will need to resample, then take corrective actions and test again afterwards to demonstrate the system is once again clean.

Get in touch today and reduce exposure to legionella bacteria.